Release Agents and Chemical Solutions


    Mould release agents are substances which prevent sticking and improve separation during a moulding process i.e. separating the product, from the mould when it is being made. The choice of release agent depends largely on the material being moulded, size, complexity, mould material, and the quality of the surface finish required.  These mould release agents generally take the form of a type of oil or wax applied to the interior of the mould. However, due to the variety of materials that are moulded and the difference in moulding process; chemical differences between mould release agents can allow for differences in performance.


    Material Considerations. When selecting a mould release agent, consider the material being processed and the final part being produced. For instance, metals react with lubricants differently than polymers, so different release agents must be used. It is important to realise that the release agent should have little to no effect on the moulded part aside from the freeing it from the interior of the mould, otherwise the lubricant might chemically affect the material being used. A manufacturer may wish for a release agent to have the additional ability to change the surface makeup of a moulded article, perhaps to make it shiny or matted in appearance. Only certain kinds of mould release agents will have this effect, so choices must be made carefully. 

    Additive Considerations. Certain materials are much more likely to adhere to the interior of a mould, so increasing the slip capabilities of a given mould release agent can be preferable. Some areas of the mould may be much more difficult to achieve release than others, so parting agents can be combined to induce different slip levels in different areas. It is also necessary to choose a mould release agent that will not cause unsightly build-up on either the mould or the moulded article. 

    Environmental Considerations. Another significant consideration for mould release agents is workplace and envrionmental safety. Odours, reagents and allergenic chemicals can cause problems if a person is exposed to them. Many mould release agents are thus made to be odourless and hypoallergenic, so products exposed to them will not cause reactions from consumers or workers. 


    Depending on the release agent, application processes can vary so it is always important to consult the manufacturers' instructions before using it. Some release agents require thicker coatings than others, while other agents necessitate a longer drying period to be effective. These variables are important to know before the beginning of a project. 

    Mould release agents can be coated on moulds in various ways. For smaller projects moulders may use clothes or paintbrushes. For more larger projects and greater control mould release agents can be applied using various spraying methods. They often turn around fully coated moulds faster than brush on techniques. Specialised machines also focus on applying mould release agents to mould surfaces reducing overspray, without releasing possibly dangerous aerosols plumes into the air. These gases, when released, can expose unprotected workers to fumes and cause fire hazards because many mould release agents are flammable. 


    Although, many mould release agents are composed of dangerous chemicals, new trends in the make-up of mould release agents is the implementation of green qualities to lessen the creation of the agent and the possibility of eventual pollution. Many companies are working on improving mould release agents so they can better compete in the increasingly green market; although, it is important to note that not all mould release agents can handle all types of mould materials and mould articles. This is because the chemical make-up of certain water-based "green" mould release agents can't compete with the extra slip inducements of more powerful, chemical-based agents.  

    If you require any assistance evaluating your process and establishing the type of release agent you require, please contact us